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Writer's picture_Romeyo Boy_

Working Of Computer

Computers only do what we tell them to do, that is, they only follow commands that are already inside the computer. He does not have the ability to think and understand.

Information Technology ( IT ) - Working Of Computer  | Creative Bloke

The person who runs the computer is called the user and the person who creates the program for the computer is called the programmer.

Computers require both software and hardware to function properly. In simple language, both are complementary to each other, software is useless without hardware and hardware is useless without software. Means hardware commands are given from computer software.

Information Technology ( IT ) - Working Of Computer  | Creative Bloke

The information about how a hardware is supposed to work is already put inside the software. The CPU of the computer. There are many types of hardware connected to it. By making synergy between all these, the system software i.e. operating system (OS) works to make the computer run properly.

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