Although computers can be programmed to understand many different computer languages, only one language can be understood by a computer without using a translation program. This language is called machine language or machine code of computer.
Machine code is the fundamental language of a computer and is normally written as strings of binary 1s and 0s. The computer's circuit is wired in such a way that it immediately recognizes machine language and converts it into the electrical signals needed to operate the computer.
Any machine language instruction has two parts. The first part is the command or operation and it tells the computer which function to perform and the second part of the instruction is the operand and it tells the computer where to find or store the data or other instructions which are to be manipulated.
Machine language or low level language is difficult to learn, as it supports the binary number system. Binary notation is easy for the computer to understand but very difficult for the user.
Machine Language Features
Programs written in machine language are executed very quickly by the computer. The main reason for this is that the instructions given in machine language are directly understood and followed by the computer without any translator.
Machine Language Limitations
Machine language is determined by the design or structure of the computer's ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and control unit, the word size and length of the memory unit. Once a program designed in machine language for an ALU is run on another ALU, it needs to study the machine language again and rewrite the program according to that ALU.
Programming in machine language is a difficult task. To write programs in this language, the programmer has to either remember the machine's instructions as a number of pointer numbers or be in constant contact with a directory. Also the programmer should have complete knowledge about the hardware structure of the computer.
For different instructions, since only two digits 0 and 1 series are used in machine language. In this case, there is a high chance of error in it. And being able to find the error when there is an error in the program is the equivalent of finding a needle in a straw.
Advantages Of Machine Language
Programs written in machine language can be executed much faster by the computer, as machine instructions are directly understood by the CPU and no translation of the program is required.
This language is the computer's own language.
Therefore, he does not need any translator to read and understand the instructions written in it.
The speed of execution of programs written in this language is fast.
Computers can understand machine language very easily.
Machine language is very efficient for computers.
Disadvantages Of Machine Language
Depend On The Machine
Difficult To Program
Prone To Error
Difficulty In Modifying
Size Of Programs
Different Machine Language
01. Depend On The Machine
Because the internal design of every type of computer is different from that of every other type of computer and requires different electrical signals to operate, machine language also varies from computer to computer. This is determined by the actual design or construction of the ALU, the control unit and size, as well as the word length of the memory unit.
02. Difficult To Program
Programming in machine language is very difficult, as the program remembers dozens of code numbers for commands. This language is difficult to understand and use.
03. Prone To Error
To write programs in machine language, since a programmer has to remember opcodes and also take care of the storage space of data and instructions, it becomes very difficult for him to concentrate completely on the logic of the problem.
04. Difficulty In Modifying
Machine language programs are difficult to fix or modify. Checking machine instructions for errors is as difficult as writing them down initially. Similarly, it is so difficult to modify a machine language program at a later date that many programmers would prefer to code the new logic anew rather than incorporate the necessary modifications into the old program.
05. Size Of Programs
The size of the programs written in this language is large and the storage capacity of the computer should be more for them.
06. Different Machine Language
The machine language of every computer depends on its internal structure. So computers with different internal structure have different machine language.