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A to Z Full Form Of Computer

Updated: Jan 24, 2022


  1. AAC - Advanced Audio Code.

  2. ABC - Atanasoff–Berry Computer.

  3. ABI - Application Binary Interface

  4. ABR - Available Bit Rate.

  5. ACL - Access-Control List.

  6. ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.

  7. AD - Active Directory.

  8. ADC - Apple Display Connector.

  9. ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter.

  10. ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.

  11. AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port.

  12. AHA - Accelerated Hub Architecture.

  13. AI - Artificial Intelligence.

  14. AIFF - Audio Interchange File Format.

  15. AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive.

  16. AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.

  17. ALI - Acer Laboratories Incorporated. Or Acer Labs Inc.

  18. ALI - Automatic Location Indicator.

  19. ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit.

  20. ALT - Alternate.

  21. ALGOL - Algorithmic Language.

  22. AM - Amplitude Modulation.

  23. AMD - Advanced Micro Devices.

  24. AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages.

  25. AMR - Audio Modem Riser.

  26. AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate.

  27. AMR-WB - Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband.

  28. ANSI - American National Standards Institute.

  29. APC - Advanced Personal Computer.

  30. APCI - Application-Layer Protocol Control Information.

  31. API - Application Programming Interface.

  32. APIPA - Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing.

  33. APK - Android Application Package.

  34. APM - Application Performance Management.

  35. APM - Advanced Power Management.

  36. APR - Apache Portable Runtime.

  37. ARC - Adaptive Replacement Cache.

  38. ARP - Address Resolution Protocol.

  39. ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.

  40. ASCC - Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.

  41. ASCII - American Standard Code For Information Interchange.

  42. APC - American Power Conversion.

  43. ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit.

  44. ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface.

  45. ASET - Automated Security Enhancement Tool.

  46. ASF - Advanced Systems Format.

  47. ASIC - Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.

  48. ASL - Age, Sex, Location.

  49. ASLR - Address Space Layout Randomization.

  50. ASM - Algorithmic State Machine.

  51. ASP - Application Service Provider.

  52. ASP - Active Server Pages.

  53. ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface.

  54. ASR - Automated Speech Recognition.

  55. ASR - Automated System Recovery.

  56. AST - Abstract Syntax Tree.

  57. AT - Advanced Technology.

  58. AT - Active Terminator.

  59. ATA - Advanced Technology Attachment.

  60. ATI - Array Technologies Incorporated. Or Array Technologies Inc.

  61. ATAPI - Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface.

  62. ATM - Automated Teller Machine.

  63. ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode.

  64. ATX - Advanced Technology eXtended.

  65. ATY - Advanced Technology Extended.

  66. AVC - Advanced Video Coding.

  67. AVI - Audio Video Interleave.

  68. AWT - Abstract Windowing Toolkit.


  1. BAL - Basic Assembly Language.

  2. BASIC - Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

  3. BAT - Batch.

  4. BB - Brontobyte.

  5. BCC - Blind Carbon Copy.

  6. BCC - Block Check Character.

  7. BCD - Binary Coded Decimal.

  8. BCR - Bar Code Reader Or Business Card Reader Or Backspace Card Reader.

  9. BCR - Bar Code Reader.

  10. BER - Bit Error Rate.

  11. BFD - Bidirectional Forwarding Detection.

  12. BFD - Binary File Descriptor.

  13. BGP - Border Gateway Protocol.

  14. BiDi - Bi-Directional.

  15. BIN - BINary.

  16. BINAC - Binary Automatic Computer.

  17. BIOS - Basic Input/Output System.

  18. BIPS - Billion Instructions Per Second.

  19. Bit - Binary Digit.

  20. BLOB - Binary Large OBject.

  21. BLOG - Web Log.

  22. BMP - Bitmap.

  23. BMP - Basic Multilingual Plane.

  24. BNA - Bunch Note Acceptor.

  25. BNC - Bayonet Neill-concelman. Or Barrel Nut-Connector.

  26. BOM - Byte Order Mark.

  27. BPI - Bits Per Inch.

  28. BPL - Broadband over Power Lines.

  29. BPS - Bytes Per Second.

  30. BPS - Bits Per Second.

  31. BRI - Basic Rate Interface.

  32. BSC - Binary Synchronous Communications.

  33. BSD - Berkeley Software Distribution.

  34. BT - Bluetooth.

  35. BT - BitTorrent.

  36. BTU - British Thermal Unit.

  37. BTX - Balanced Technology eXtended.

  38. BW - Business Warehousing.

  39. BW - Bandwidth.

  40. BWF - Broadcast Wave Format.


  1. CAD - Computer-Aided Design.

  2. CAE - Computer-Aided Engineering.

  3. CAI - Computer-Assisted Instruction.

  4. CAL - Computer-Aided Learning.

  5. CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing.

  6. CAN - Controller Area Network.

  7. CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

  8. CAQA - Computer-Aided Quality Assurance.

  9. CAS - Column Address Strobe.

  10. CAS - Central Authentication Service Or Column Address Signal.

  11. CAT - Computer-Aided Translation.

  12. CATIA - Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application

  13. CC - Carbon Copy.

  14. CCD - Charged-Coupled Device.

  15. CCTLD - Country Code Top-Level Domain.

  16. CD - Compact Disk.

  17. CD - Change Directory.

  18. CDC - Control Data Corporation Or Control Data Cyber.

  19. CDR - Compact Disc Recorder.

  20. CDFS - Compact Disc File System.

  21. CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access.

  22. CDR - Call Detail Record.

  23. CD-R - Compact Disk–Recordable.

  24. CD-RW - Compact Disc-ReWritable.

  25. CD-ROM - Compact-Disc Read-Only Memory.

  26. CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute.

  27. CG - Computer graphics.

  28. CGA - Color Graphics Adapter.

  29. CGI - Computer Generated Imagery.

  30. CGI - Common Gateway Interface.

  31. CIFS - Common Internet File System.

  32. CIM - Computer Integrated manufacturing.

  33. CIM - Common Information Model.

  34. CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computing.

  35. CL - Combinatory Logic.

  36. CL - Command-Line.

  37. CLI - Command Line Interface.

  38. CLR - Common Language Runtime.

  39. CMD - Command.

  40. CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.

  41. CNC - Computerized Numerical Control.

  42. CNR - Communications and Networking Riser.

  43. COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language.

  44. CODASYL - Conference On Data System Language.

  45. COM - Component Object Model.

  46. COM1 - Communication Port 1.

  47. COMAL - Common Algorithmic Language.

  48. COMPUTER - Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

  49. CPM - Control Program For Microcomputer Or Cost Per Mille.

  50. CPU - Central Processing Unit.

  51. CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device.

  52. CPPM - Content Protection for Prerecorded Media.

  53. CPRM - Content Protection for Recordable Media.

  54. CPS - Character Per Second.

  55. CPU - Central Processing Unit.

  56. CR - Carriage Return.

  57. CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check.

  58. CRIMM - Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module.

  59. CRM - Customer Relationship Management.

  60. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube.

  61. CRS - Computer Reservation System.

  62. CS - Clear Screen.

  63. CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Working.

  64. CSI - Computer Society of India.

  65. CSI - Common System Interface.

  66. CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access.

  67. CSR - Certificate Signing Request.

  68. CSR - Command Success Rate.

  69. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.

  70. CSV - Comma Separated Values.

  71. CTCP - Computer To Conventional Plate.

  72. CTCP - Client-To-Client Protocol.

  73. CTL - Computation Tree Logic.

  74. CTR - Cathode Ray Tube.

  75. CTR - Click-Through Rate.

  76. CTRL - Control.

  77. CTS - Cheque Truncation System.

  78. CTS - Clear To Send.

  79. CU - Control Unit.

  80. CUA - Common User Access.

  81. CUI - Character User Interface.


  1. DAC - Digital-to-Analog Converter.

  2. DAC - Discretionary Access Control.

  3. DAO - Data Access Objects.

  4. DAP - Direct Access Protocol.

  5. DAT - Digital Audio Tape.

  6. DB - DataBase.

  7. DB - Decibel.

  8. DBA - Data Base Administrator.

  9. DBMS - Data Base Management System.

  10. DBS - Data Bus Simulator.

  11. DBSN - DataBase Source Name.

  12. DCC - Direct Cable Connection.

  13. DCC - Direct Client–to–Client.

  14. DCD - Data Carrier Detect.

  15. DCE - Data Circuit-terminating Equipment.

  16. DCE - Data Carrier Equipment.

  17. DCE - Distributed Computing Environment.

  18. DCL - Data Control Language.

  19. DCLDigital Command Language

  20. DCSDistributed Control System

  21. DD - Double Density.

  22. DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service.

  23. DDR - Double Data Rate.

  24. DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory.

  25. DDS - Digital Data Storage.

  26. DDS - Device Driver Software.

  27. DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation.

  28. DEL - Direct Exchange Line.

  29. DEL - Delete.

  30. DES - Data Encryption Standard.

  31. DFD - Data-Flow Diagram.

  32. DFI - Design For Innovation.

  33. DFS - Distributed File System.

  34. DFS - Depth-First Search.

  35. DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

  36. DHTML - Dynamic HyperText Markup Language.

  37. DIF - Data Integrity Field.

  38. DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module.

  39. DIN - Deutsche Industrie Norm.

  40. DIP - Dual Inline Package.

  41. DIVX - Digital Video eXpress.

  42. DL - DataLink.

  43. DL - Download.

  44. DLL - Dynamic-Link Library

  45. DLP - Digital Light Processing.

  46. DLT - Digital Linear Tape.

  47. DMA - Direct Memory Access.

  48. DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

  49. DML - Data Manipulation Language.

  50. DNS - Domain Name System.

  51. DNS - Domain Name Server.

  52. DOC - Document.

  53. DOCX - Document eXtended.

  54. DOM - Document Object Model.

  55. DOS - Disk Operating System.

  56. DoS - Denial-of-Service.

  57. DOS-PMI - Disk Operating System–Protected Mode Interface.

  58. DPE - Dynamic Provisioning Environment.

  59. DPE - Data Parity Error.

  60. DPI - Dots Per Inch.

  61. DPI - Deep Packet Inspection.

  62. DPMSDisplay Power Management Signaling.

  63. DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory.

  64. DS - Data Storage.

  65. DS - Data System.

  66. DSL - Digital Subscriber Line.

  67. DSL - Domain-Specific Language.

  68. DSN - Data Source Name.

  69. DSP - Digital Signal Processing.

  70. DSR - Data Set Ready.

  71. DTA - Digital Telephone Adapter.

  72. DTC - Data Terminal Controller.

  73. DTE - Data Terminal Equipment.

  74. DTP - Desktop Publishing.

  75. DTR - Data Terminal Ready.

  76. DTS - Digital Theater Sound.

  77. DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.

  78. DVD-R - Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable.

  79. DVD-RW - Digital Versatile Disk-Rewritable.

  80. DVD-ROM - Digital Versatile Disk Read-Only Memory.

  81. DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk-Random Access Memory.

  82. DVE - Digital Video Effects.

  83. DVI - Digital Visual Interface.

  84. DVR - Digital Video Recorder.

  85. DW - Data Warehouse.


  1. EAI - Enterprise Application Integration.

  2. EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol.

  3. EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

  4. EC - Error Check.

  5. ECC - Error Correcting Code.

  6. ECOM - Electronic Commerce.

  7. ECP - Extended Capabilities Port.

  8. ECP - Enhanced Communication Port.

  9. ECS - Electronic Clearing Service.

  10. ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems.

  11. ECU - Engine Control Unit.

  12. E-Commerce - Electronic Commerce.

  13. EDA - Electronic Design Automation.

  14. EDO - Extended Data Output.

  15. EDP - Electronic Data Processing.

  16. EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator.

  17. EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.

  18. EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

  19. EFS - Encrypting File System.

  20. EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer.

  21. EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter.

  22. EID - Electronic Identity Document.

  23. EID - Equipment Identifier.

  24. EIDE - Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics.

  25. EIGRP - Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.

  26. EISA - Extended Industry Standard Architecture.

  27. ELF - Executable and Linkable Format.

  28. E-mail - Electronic Mail.

  29. ELM - Electronic Mail.

  30. EMI - Electromagnetic Interference.

  31. EMM - Expanded Memory Manager.

  32. EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse.

  33. EMS - Element Management System.

  34. EMS - Expanded Memory Specification.

  35. ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator

  36. EOM - End Of Message.

  37. EOS - End Of Support.

  38. EPG - Electronic Programming Guide.

  39. EPIC - Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing.

  40. EPP - Enhanced Parallel Port.

  41. EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

  42. ERD - Entity-Relationship Diagram.

  43. ERD - Emergency Repair Disk.

  44. ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

  45. ESB - Enterprise Service Bus.

  46. Esc - Escape.

  47. ESCD - Extended System Configuration Data.

  48. ESD - Electrostatic Discharge.

  49. ESDI - Enhanced Small Device Interface.

  50. EUC - End-User Computing.

  51. EUC - Extended Unix Code.

  52. EULA - End User License Agreement.

  53. EVDO - Evolution Data Only.

  54. EVDO - Evolution-Data Optimized.

  55. EVGA - Extended Video Graphics Adapter Or EVGA Corporation.

  56. EXE - Executable.


  1. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.

  2. FAT - File Allocation Table.

  3. FAX - Facsimile.

  4. FCAL - Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop.

  5. FC-PGA - File Chip Pin Grid Array.

  6. FCS - Frame Check Sequence.

  7. FD - Floppy Disk.

  8. FDC - Floppy Disk Controller.

  9. FDD - Floppy Disk Drive.

  10. FDD - Final Draft Document.

  11. FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface.

  12. FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing.

  13. FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access.

  14. FDR - Flight Data Recorder.

  15. FDx - Full Duplex.

  16. FMC - File Management Computer.

  17. FE - Front End.

  18. FEC - Forward Error Correction.

  19. FEP - Front End Processor.

  20. FF - Fast Forward.

  21. FF - Form Feed.

  22. FHS - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

  23. FHS - File Handling System.

  24. FIFO - First In, First Out.

  25. FILO - First In, Last Out.

  26. FL - Function Level.

  27. FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec.

  28. FLOPS - Floating-point Operations Per Second.

  29. FLV - Flash Video.

  30. FM - Frequency Modulation.

  31. FMS - Fiber Management System.

  32. Fn - Function.

  33. FORTRAN - Formula Translation.

  34. FOSI - Formatted Output Specification Instance.

  35. FOSS - Free and Open Source Software.

  36. FPGA - Field-Programmable Gate Array.

  37. FPM - Fast Page Mode.

  38. FPS - Frames Per Second.

  39. FPU - Floating Point Unit.

  40. FS - File System.

  41. FS - Frame Size.

  42. FS - For Sale.

  43. FS - File Server.

  44. FSAA - Full-Screen Anti Aliasing.

  45. FSB - Front Side Bus.

  46. FSF - Free Software Foundation.

  47. FSK - Frequency-Shift Keying.

  48. FT - Fixed Terminals.

  49. FTP - File Transfer Protocol.

  50. FTPS - File Transfer Protocol Secure.

  51. FXP - File eXchange Protocol.


  1. GB - Gigabytes.

  2. Gb - Gigabit

  3. GBPS - Gigabytes Per Second Or Gigabits Per Second.

  4. GCP - Google Cloud Platform.

  5. GCR - Group Code Recording.

  6. GDI - Graphical Device Interface.

  7. GHz - Giga Hertz.

  8. GIF - Graphics Interchange Format.

  9. GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out.

  10. GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program.

  11. GIMPS - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.

  12. GIS - Geographical Information system.

  13. GP - Graphics Port.

  14. GP - Game Play.

  15. GPIB - General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus.

  16. GPL - General Public License.

  17. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.

  18. GPS - Global Positioning System.

  19. GPU - Graphics Processing Unit.

  20. GSM - Global System For Mobile Communications.

  21. GTLDs - Generic Top Level Domains.

  22. GUI - Graphic User Interface.

  23. GUID - Globally Unique Identifier.


  1. HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer.

  2. HBA - Host Bus Adapter.

  3. HCI - Human-Computer Interaction.

  4. HCL - Hardware Compatibility List

  5. HD - High Definition.

  6. HD-DVD - High Definition Digital Versatile Disc.

  7. HDL - Hardware Description Language.

  8. HDD - Hard Disk Drive.

  9. HDFS - Hadoop Distributed File System.

  10. HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface.

  11. HDX - High-Density Expansion.

  12. HDX - Half-Duplex.

  13. HFS - Hierarchical File System.

  14. HPFS - High-Performance File System.

  15. HHD - Hybrid Hard Drive.

  16. HID - Human Interface Device.

  17. HIG - Human Interface Guideline.

  18. HIS - Hightech Information System Limited.

  19. HLL - High-Level Language.

  20. HMA - High Memory Area.

  21. HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company.

  22. HPFS - High-Performance File System.

  23. HSF - Heat Sink Fan.

  24. HT - Hyper-Threading.

  25. HT - HyperTransport.

  26. HTC - High-Throughput Computing.

  27. HTM - Hierarchical Temporal Memory.

  28. HTML - HyperText Markup Language.

  29. HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol.

  30. HTTPD - HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemon.

  31. HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure.

  32. HTX - HyperTransport eXpansion.

  33. HURD - Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons.

  34. HVD - Holographic Versatile Disk.

  35. Hz - Hertz.


  1. IBG - Inter Block Gap.

  2. IBM - International Business Machines Corporation.

  3. IC - Integrated Circuit.

  4. I²C - Inter-Integrated Circuit.

  5. ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol.

  6. ICP - Internet Cache Protocol

  7. ICR - Intelligent Character Recognition.

  8. ICS - Internet Connection Sharing.

  9. ICT - Information and Communication Technology.

  10. IDE - Integrated Development Environment.

  11. IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics.

  12. IDL - Interface Definition Language.

  13. IE - Internet Explorer.

  14. IFS - Item for Sale.

  15. IFS - InFormatics and Security.

  16. IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol.

  17. IGRP - Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

  18. IHV - Independent Hardware Vendor.

  19. IIOP - Internet Iner-ORB-Protocol.

  20. IIS - Internet Information Service.

  21. IM - Instant Messaging.

  22. IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol.

  23. I/O - Input/Output.

  24. IOS - Internetwork Operating System.

  25. iOS - iPhone Operating System.

  26. IP - Internet Protocol.

  27. iPad OS - iPad Operating System.

  28. IPC - Inter-Process Communication.

  29. IPCONFIG - Internet Protocol Configuration.

  30. IPP - Internet Printing Protocol.

  31. IPsec - Internet Protocol Security.

  32. IPTV - Internet Protocol Television.

  33. IPX - Internetwork Packet eXchange.

  34. IR - Information Retrieval.

  35. IR - Infrared.

  36. IRC - Internet Relay Chat.

  37. IrDA - Infrared Data Association.

  38. IRPs - I/O Request Packet.

  39. IRQ - Interrupt Request.

  40. ISA - Industry Standard Architecture.

  41. ISA - Instruction Set Architecture.

  42. ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method.

  43. ISC - Internet Storm Center.

  44. ISDN - Integrated Service Digital Network.

  45. ISH - Information Super Highway.

  46. ISO - International Organisation for Standardization.

  47. ISOC - Internet Society.

  48. ISP - Internet Service Provider.

  49. ISR - Interrupt Service Routine.

  50. ISV - Independent Software Vendor.

  51. ISO - International Standards Organization.

  52. IT - Information Technology.

  53. ITL - Interval Temporal Logic.

  54. ITU - International Telecommunication Union.

  55. IVT - Intel Virtualization Technology.

  56. IVT - Interrupt Vector Table.


  1. J2EE - Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition.

  2. J2ME - Java 2 Platform Micro Edition.

  3. J2SE - Java 2 Platform Standard Edition.

  4. JAD - Java Application Descriptor.

  5. JAR - Java Archive.

  6. JAXB - Java Architecture for XML Binding.

  7. JBL - James Bullough Lansing.

  8. JCE - Java Cryptography Extension.

  9. JCL - Job Control Language.

  10. JDBC - Java Database Connectivity.

  11. JDK - Java Development KIT.

  12. JEE - Java Enterprise Edition.

  13. JFS - Journaled File System.

  14. JNI - Java Native Interface.

  15. JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group.

  16. JRE - Java Runtime Environment.

  17. JS - JavaScript.

  18. JSP - JavaServer Pages.

  19. JUG - Java Users Group.

  20. JSON - JavaScript Object Notation.

  21. JSP - Java Server Pages.

  22. JVM - Java Virtual Machine.


  1. KB - Kilobyte.

  2. Kb - Kilobit.

  3. Kbps - Kilobits Per Second.

  4. KBps - Kilobyte Per Second.

  5. kHz - kilohertz.

  6. KIPS - Knowledge Information Processing System.

  7. KM - Knowledge Machine.

  8. KRL - Knowledge Representation Language.

  9. KVA - Kilo-Volt-Ampere

  10. KVM - Keyboard, Video, and Mouse.


  1. M2G - Mobile 3D Graphics.

  2. MAC Media Access Control

  3. Mac - Macintosh.

  4. MAC OS - Macintosh Operating System.

  5. MAD - Michigan Algorithm Decoder.

  6. MAN - Metropolitan Area Network.

  7. MAP - Message Acceptance Pulse.

  8. MAP - Missed Approach Pulse.

  9. MAP - Missed Approach Point.

  10. MAP - Modified Atmosphere Pack.

  11. MAP - Maintenance Automation Program.

  12. MAPI - Messaging Application Programming Interface.

  13. MAR - Memory Address Register.

  14. Mb - Megabit.

  15. MB MotherBoard.

  16. MB - Megabyte.

  17. MBps Megabytes Per Second

  18. Mbps Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second.

  19. MBCS - Multi Byte Character Set.

  20. MBR - Master Boot Record.

  21. MBSA - Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.

  22. MCGA - Master of Computer Graphics and Animation.

  23. MCM - Multi-Chip Module.

  24. MCR - Multivariate Curve Resolution.

  25. MDI - Multiple Document Interface.

  26. MDI - Medium Dependent Interface.

  27. MFD - Multi Function Device.

  28. MFLOPS - Million Floating-Point Operations Per Second.

  29. MFM - Modified Frequency Modulation.

  30. MFP - MultiFunction Product.

  31. MFT - Managed File Transfer.

  32. MFT - Multiprogramming with Fixed Task.

  33. MHz - Megahertz.

  34. MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.

  35. MicroDIMM - Micro Dual Inline Memory Module.

  36. MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

  37. MIMD - Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data.

  38. MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.

  39. MIMO - Multiple-In, Multiple Output.

  40. MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second.

  41. MIPS - Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages.

  42. MIS - Management Information Systems.

  43. MISD - Multiple Instruction, Single Data.

  44. MLI - Measurement Layer Interface.

  45. MLID - Multiple Link Interface Driver.

  46. MMC - Microsoft Management Console.

  47. MMC - MultiMediaCard.

  48. MMF - Multi Mode Fiber.

  49. MMU - Memory Management Unit.

  50. MMX - MultiMedia eXtensions.

  51. MNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics.

  52. MNP - Microcom Networking Protocol.

  53. MNP - Mobile Number Portability.

  54. MODEM - Modulator-Demodulator.

  55. MOPS - Million Operations Per Second.

  56. MOSFET - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.

  57. MP3 - Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3.

  58. MP - Multi-Processor.

  59. MPEG - Motion Pictures Experts Group.

  60. MP - IMessage Passing Interface.

  61. MPL - Mozilla Public License.

  62. MPS - Megabits Per Second.

  63. MS - Memory Stick.

  64. MSB - Most Significant Bit.

  65. MSCDEX - Microsoft CD-ROM eXtensions.

  66. MSConfig - Microsoft Configuration.

  67. MSD - Most Significant Digit.

  68. MSDN - Microsoft Developer Network.

  69. MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet.

  70. MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System.

  71. MSI - Micro-Star International.

  72. MSI - Medium Scale Integration.

  73. MSI - Microsoft Installer.

  74. MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure.

  75. MUI - Multilingual User Interface.

  76. MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage.

  77. MVS - Multiple Vendor System.

  78. MVT - Multiprogramming With Variable Tasks.

  79. MX - Mail eXchange.


  1. NAP - Network Access Protection.

  2. NAS - Network-Attached Storage.

  3. NAT - Network Address Translation.

  4. NEC NEC Corporation.

  5. NetBIOS - Network Basic Input/Output System.

  6. NetBEUI - Networked BIOS Extended User Interface.

  7. NFC - Near Field Communication.

  8. NFS - Network File System.

  9. NFU - Not Frequently Used.

  10. NIC - Network Interface Controller.

  11. NIC - Network Interface Card.

  12. NIO - New Input/Output.

  13. NIU - Network Interface Unit.

  14. NLI - Natural Language Interface.

  15. NLI - Not Logged In.

  16. NLX - New Low Profile eXtended.

  17. NMI - Non-Maskable Interrupt.

  18. NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol.

  19. NOP - NO Operation.

  20. NOS - Network Operating System.

  21. NSS - Name Service Switch.

  22. NT - New Technology.

  23. NTFS - New Technology File System.

  24. NTLDR - New Technology Loader.

  25. NTP - Network Time Protocol.

  26. NVRAM - Non-Volatile Random Access Memory.

  27. NWLINK - NetWare Link.


  1. OC - Operation Channel.

  2. OC - OverClock.

  3. OCR - Optical character Recognition.

  4. OCR - Optical Character Reader.

  5. OCZ - Operational Control Zone.

  6. ODI - Open Data-link Interface.

  7. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.

  8. OFP - Open Frame Panel.

  9. OLE - Object Linking and Embedding.

  10. OMR - Optical Mark Reader.

  11. OOM - Out Of Memory.

  12. OOP - Object-Oriented Programming.

  13. OPML - Outline Processor Markup Language.

  14. OS - Operating System.

  15. OSDN - Open Source Development Network.

  16. OSI - Open Systems Interconnection.

  17. OSK - On-Screen Keyboard.

  18. OSPF - Open Shortest Path First.

  19. OSR - OEM Service Release.

  20. OSS - Operations Support System.

  21. OSS - Open Source Software.


  1. P2P - Peer-To-Peer.

  2. PAL - Programmable Array Logic.

  3. PAL - Phase Alternating Line.

  4. PAN - Personal Area Network.

  5. PATA - Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment.

  6. PAP - Password Authentication Protocol.

  7. PBX - Private Branch Exchange.

  8. PC - Personal Computer.

  9. PCB - Printed Circuit Board.

  10. PCB - Process Control Block.

  11. PC DOS - Personal Computer Disk Operating System.

  12. PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect.

  13. PCIe - Peripheral Component Interconnect Express.

  14. PCL - Printer Command Language.

  15. PCM - Pulse-Code Modulation.

  16. PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.

  17. PCMCIA - Peripheral Component MicroChannel Interconnect Architecture.

  18. PDA - Personal Digital Assistant.

  19. PDF - Portable Document Format.

  20. PDL - Program Design Language.

  21. PDP - Program Data Processor.

  22. PE - Processor Element.

  23. PERL - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language.

  24. PFA - Portable Format for Analytics.

  25. PFA - Please Find the Attachment.

  26. PFF - Page Fault Frequency.

  27. PGA - Pin Grid Array.

  28. PGA - Professional Graphics Adapter.

  29. PGA Professional Graphics Array.

  30. PGC - Professional Graphics Controller.

  31. PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor.

  32. PHP - Personal Home Page.

  33. PIC - Peripheral Interface Controller.

  34. PIC - Programmable Interface Controller.

  35. PIC - Programmable Intelligent Computer.

  36. PIM - Personal Information Manager.

  37. PINE - Program for Internet News and Email.

  38. PIO - Programmed Input/Output.

  39. PIP - Peripheral Interchange Program.

  40. PLA - Programmable Logic Array.

  41. PLC - Programmable Logic Controller.

  42. PLC - Power Line Communication.

  43. PLD - Programmable Logic Device.

  44. PLL - Phase-Locked Loop.

  45. PM - Private Message.

  46. PM - Phase Modulation.

  47. PNG - Portable Network Graphics.

  48. Pnp - Plug and Play.

  49. PoE - Power over Ethernet.

  50. POP - Post Office Protocol.

  51. POS - Point Of Sale.

  52. POST - Power-On Self Test.

  53. POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service.

  54. PPC - Power Personal Computer.

  55. PPC - Pay Per Click.

  56. PPI - Pixels Per Inch.

  57. PPM - Pages Per Minute.

  58. PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol.

  59. PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM.

  60. PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.

  61. PPT - PowerPoint Presentation.

  62. PPTP - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.

  63. PQI PQI Corporation.

  64. PRI - Primary Rate Interface.

  65. PROLOG - Programming in Logic.

  66. PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory.

  67. PrtScr - Print Screen.

  68. PS/2 - Personal System/2.

  69. PSD - Photoshop Document.

  70. PSP - Program Segment Prefix.

  71. PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network.

  72. PSU - Power Supply Unit.

  73. PTE - Page Table Entry.

  74. PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuit.

  75. PVM - Parallel Virtual Machine.

  76. PXE - Preboot Execution Environment.

  77. PY - Python.

  78. PNY PNY Technology.


  1. QA - Quality Assurance.

  2. QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation.

  3. QAS - Quick Arbitrate and Select.

  4. QBE - Query By Example.

  5. QDR - Quad Data Rate.

  6. QFA - Quick File Access.

  7. QFP - Quad Flat Package.

  8. QIC - Quarter Inch cartridge.

  9. QoS - Quality of Service.


  1. RAD - Rapid Application Development.

  2. RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.

  3. RAIT - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes.

  4. RAM - Random Access Memory.

  5. RAMDAC - Random-Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter.

  6. RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.

  7. RAdAC - Risk Adaptive Access Control.

  8. RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.

  9. RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.

  10. RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks.

  11. RAS - Row Address Strobe.

  12. RAS - Remote Access Service.

  13. RBAC - Role-Based Access Control.

  14. RDBMS - Relation Database Management System.

  15. RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory.

  16. RDF - Resource Description Framework.

  17. REEAL - Recursive functions Algorithmic Language.

  18. RF - Radio Frequency.

  19. RFI - Radio Frequency Interference.

  20. RGB - Red, Green, Blue.

  21. RGBA - Red, Green, Blue, Alpha.

  22. RIMM - Rambus Inline Memory Module.

  23. RI - Re-Installing.

  24. RIP - Routing Information Protocol.

  25. RIS - Remote Installation Service.

  26. RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer.

  27. RJ - Registered Jack.

  28. RMA - Returned Materials Authorization.

  29. RMW - Read-Modify-Write.

  30. ROM - Read-Only Memory.

  31. ROMB - RAID On the MotherBoard.

  32. ROM-DOS - Read-Only Memory-Disk Operating System.

  33. RPC - Remote Procedure Calls.

  34. RPG - Report Program Generator.

  35. RPM - Revolutions Per Minute.

  36. RS-232 - Recommended Standard 232.

  37. RTC - Real-Time Clock.

  38. RTOS - Real-Time Operating System.

  39. RTS - Real-Time Streaming.

  40. RTS - Real-Time Strategy.

  41. RTS - Request To Send.


  1. SAID - Serving Area Identity Document.

  2. SAM - Security Account Manager.

  3. SAM - Sequential Access Memory.

  4. SAN - Storage Area Network.

  5. SAP - Systems Applications and Products.

  6. SASI - Shugart Associates Systems Interface.

  7. SASID - Self Scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display.

  8. SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.

  9. SAX - Simple API of XML.

  10. SBP-2 - Serial Bus Protocol 2.

  11. SBU - Standard Build Unit.

  12. SC - StarCraft.

  13. SC - Subscription Channel.

  14. SCA - Service Component Architecture.

  15. SCA - Side-Channel Attack.

  16. SCA SCSI Configured Automatically.

  17. SCSI - Small Computer System Interface.

  18. SD - Secure Digital.

  19. SDK - Software Development Kit.

  20. SDL - Specification and Description Language.

  21. SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer.

  22. SDLC - Systems Development Life Cycle.

  23. SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control.

  24. SDN - Software-Defined Networking.

  25. SDN - Service Delivery Network.

  26. SDR - Software-Defined Radio.

  27. SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory.

  28. SEC - Single Edge Contact.

  29. SECC - Single Edge Contact Cartridge.

  30. SEQUEL - Structured English QUEry Language.

  31. SFC - System File Checker.

  32. SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol.

  33. SFTP - Simple File Transfer Protocol.

  34. SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language.

  35. SGRAM - Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory.

  36. SHDSL - Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line.

  37. SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.

  38. SIMD - Single Instruction, Multiple Data.

  39. SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module.

  40. SIPP - Single In-line Pin Package.

  41. SIS - Server Intelligent Storage.

  42. SISD - Single-Instruction, Single-Data.

  43. SLI - Scalable Link Interface.

  44. SLI - System Level Integration.

  45. SLI - Scan-Line Interleave.

  46. SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol.

  47. SMB - Server Message Block.

  48. SMBIOS - System Management Basic Input/Output System.

  49. SMP - Symmetric Multiprocessing.

  50. SMS - Short Message Service.

  51. SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

  52. SNA - Systems Network Architecture.

  53. SNAP - Secure Network Access Platform.

  54. SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol.

  55. SNOBOL - String Oriented and symbolic Language.

  56. SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio.

  57. SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol.

  58. SO-DIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module.

  59. SOHO - Small Office or Home Office.

  60. SOIC - Small Outline Integrated Circuit.

  61. SP - Stack Page.

  62. SP - Service Pack.

  63. SPARC - Scalable Processor Architecture.

  64. SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface.

  65. S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface.

  66. SPGA - Staggered Pin Grid Array.

  67. SPOOL - Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line.

  68. SPU - Snippet Processing Unit.

  69. SPX - Sequenced Packet eXchange.

  70. SQL - Structured Query Language.

  71. SRAM - Static Random Access Memory.

  72. SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions.

  73. SSH - Secure Shell.

  74. SSI - Small Scale Integration.

  75. SSID - Service Set Identifier.

  76. SSL - Secure Sockets Layer.

  77. ST - Straight Tip.

  78. STDM - Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing.

  79. STN - Small Town Network.

  80. STP - Spanning Tree Protocol.

  81. STP - Shielded Twisted Pair.

  82. STU - Secure Terminal Unit.

  83. SUB - Subtitle.

  84. SUB - Subscript.

  85. SUS - Single UNIX Specification.

  86. SUS - Software Update Services.

  87. SVD - Structured VLSI Design.

  88. SVD - System View Description.

  89. SVD - Software Version Description.

  90. SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics.

  91. SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array.

  92. SWF - Shockwave Flash.

  93. SXGA - Super extended Graphics Array.

  94. SYS - System.


  1. TB - Terabyte.

  2. Tb - Terabit.

  3. TBPS - Terabytes Per Second.

  4. TBPS - Terabits Per Second.

  5. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.

  6. TDM - Time-Division Multiplexing.

  7. TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access.

  8. TDR - Time Domain Reflectometer.

  9. TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler.

  10. TFT - Thin Film Transistor.

  11. TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol.

  12. TLD - Top Level Domain.

  13. TLS - Transport Layer Security.

  14. TMP - Temporary.

  15. TPI - Tracks Per Inch.

  16. TPU - Tensor Processing Unit.

  17. TS - Technical Specification.

  18. TS - Time Slot.

  19. TS - TypeScript.

  20. TSR - Terminate-and-Stay-Resident.

  21. TTA - Transport Triggered Architecture.

  22. TTA - True Tap Audio.

  23. TTF - True Type Font.

  24. TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic.

  25. TTS - Text-To-Speech.

  26. TTY - Teletypewriter.

  27. TWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting Name.

  28. TXT - Text.


  1. UAC - User Account Control.

  2. UAE - Unrecoverable Application Error.

  3. UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter.

  4. UDF - User-Defined Functions.

  5. UDF - Universal Disk Format.

  6. UDF - Universal Data Format.

  7. UDMA - Ultra Direct Memory Access.

  8. UDP - User Datagram Protocol.

  9. UDT - Unreliable Data Transfer.

  10. UEFI - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.

  11. UHF - Ultra High Frequency.

  12. UI - User Interface.

  13. UL - Underwriter Laboratories.

  14. UL - Uplink.

  15. UL - Upload.

  16. ULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integration.

  17. UMB - Upper Memory Block.

  18. UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.

  19. UNC - Universal Naming Convention.

  20. UNICS - Unpieced Information Computing System.

  21. UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer.

  22. UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.

  23. URI - Uniform Resource Identifier.

  24. URL - Uniform Resource Locator.

  25. URN - Uniform Resource Name.

  26. USART - Universal Serial Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.

  27. USB - Universal Serial Bus.

  28. USMT - User State Migration Tool.

  29. UTF - Unicode Transformation Format.

  30. UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair.

  31. UUCP - Unix-to-Unix Copy.

  32. UVEPROM - Ultra-Violet Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

  33. UVGA - Ultra Video Graphics Array34

  34. UWB - Ultra Wide Band35

  35. UXGA - Ultra Extended Graphics Array


  1. VCD - Video CD.

  2. VPN - Virtual Private Network.


  1. WAN - Wide Area Network.

  2. WTB - Want to Buy.

  3. WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get.


  1. XGA - Extended Graphics Array

  2. XMS - Extended Memory Specification

  3. XT - Extended Technology

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