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Writer's picture_Romeyo Boy_

JS : What is included in this tutorial?

This tutorial covers all the basic JS concepts including data types, operators, creating and using variables, generating output. You will learn the basics of JS through both theory and practice. Also, you will understand why it is necessary to know JavaScript? Because it is one of the three main web development languages along with HTML and CSS.

JS : What is included in this tutorial?

Once you get comfortable with the basics, you'll move on to the next level that explains objects or views of objects, the Document Object Model (DOM) and the Browser Object Model (BOM).

Document Object Model (DOM) & Browser Object Model (BOM) - Creative Bloke

And finally, you can learn some advanced concepts such as EventListeners, Event Propagation, method borrowing from other objects, JavaScript's hoisting behavior, encoding and decoding JSON data as well as new features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (or ES6) Will take a detailed look.

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