Computer programs are written using one of the programming language (Fortran, C, C++ and so on). A program consists of a set of instructions written in the correct order to obtain the desired result. The method of writing instructions to solve a given problem is called programming.
Programming Techniques
There are generally two types of programming techniques used;
PP - Procedural Programming
OOP - Object Oriented Programming
01. PP - Procedural Programming
In procedural programming, for a problem, the variables are identified and instructions are written using the variables in the correct order to obtain the required result. Sometimes a program may require an unconditional transfer of control from one part of the program to another using the GOTO statement. This can be avoided by writing a statement sequence using multiple blocks, this is called a structured program.
Procedural programming method is commonly used to solve scientific and engineering problems involving variables. Discrete results are expected as the output of the program.
02. OOP - Object Oriented Programming
In object-oriented programming, objects are used that contain data related to a person or an object. Programs can be written using multiple functional blocks. Functional blocks contain instructions similar to procedural programming ( PP ).
Object Oriented Programming method is commonly used to develop software packages. C++ is one of the commonly used object-oriented programming languages.